Here you can find out what unlockables you are missing, and which you have recieved. Certain unlockables will reward more points than others depending on how hard they are to get.
Row Number | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Mythic |
1 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
2 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
3 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
4 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
5 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
6 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
7 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
8 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
9 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
10 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
11 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
12 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
13 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
14 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
15 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
16 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
17 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
18 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
19 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
20 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
21 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
22 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
23 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
24 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
25 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
26 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
27 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
28 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
29 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
30 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
31 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
32 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
33 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
34 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
35 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
36 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
37 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
38 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
39 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
40 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Row Number | Icons | ||
Stick Man Icon (150 SP) |
Black and White Map Inverter (500 SP) |
Racing Flag Icon (150 SP) |
Cotton Candy Icon (350 SP) |
Cat Icon (200 SP) |
Bottle Flip GIF Icon (500 SP) |
Gear Icon (150 SP) |
??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Here you can edit your account info.
|:=:| Click on the "Show my location" button in the top left corner to move the map to your general location.
|:=:| Click in the "Search" bar in the top right corner to change what the main search bar (in the top middle of the screen) searches for. Players can choose between Cars, Players, and Locations.
|:=:| What do I mean by Location Icon? When you click on a specific area of the map a little marker will show up, that is the location icon.
|:=:| Obviously you know where the "Help and Info" button is if you are reading this ;).
|:=:| Click on the "Achievements" button in the bottom right corner to see what special unlockables you have unlocked, these unlockables will give you extra points to unlock prizes. Secret codes can be typed in the search bar to unlock secret "myth" unlockables that award colors, and icons.
|:=:| Click on the "My Profile" button in the bottom left corner to see how many points you have, see what cars you have spotted, and see how many cars of each class you have spotted. You can also add a profile picture, and edit your info in the "My Profile" section if needed. Within the "My Profile" section a "Private Information"section can be accesed in case you would like to add your birthday (to unlock special BDay rewards on your BDay), and you can add you Email, or Phone Number if you wish.
|:=:| Above the Achievements players can find the "Store" button. In the store you can exchange your points for in-game prizes, and perks. Someday you may even be able to get some real life prizes 030.
|:=:| Above the " My Profile" button in the bottom left corner, you can find the "Messenger" drop up, which will pop up two options. You can select the "Private Messenger" to talk with a friend, or talk privately with others. Or you can go to the "Global Messenger", which allows you to talk with, and see the messages from people around the world.
|:=:| The "Icon Customization" button allows you to change the color of the basic location icon, or change the icon to an unlocked icon. Keep in mind that this button is only unlocked once a new icon, or a base icon color is unlocked.
|:=:| The "Map Inverter" button is unlocked once a map color inverter is unlocked via an achievement. Using a map inverter can change the color of the map to be black and white, rusty colored, and many more different color combos.
|:=:| The "Post" button is found on the middle of the bottom of the page. When a player clicks the Post button they will be taken to a modal that will allow the player to do the following. PLayers will choose what car they are posting (incorrect makes and models that are choosen can be flagged, and may result in the loss of points.) Then players can click the camera box which will then open the camera (as long as the player has allowed GeoSpotter to have access to their camera) and the player can take a picture (or many for different angles and shots) and then clikc Done! Then once the picture is posted, players can open the posted car, and see how long the post has been up for, see what player posted the picture, and see all the general info of what car was spotted.
Once you spot a car the app will open your phone's camera (unless you have not allowed it to before.) Then once you take the picture of the car the imatge will set itself at your location. Next just choose what car it is that you are spotting. Then after it is posted other players will be able to come around to the car you spotted and thumb up the car if it is still there (thumbing it up will reward participation points.) Then if the car is gone, or was not there in the first place, players can thumb down the post. (Players that posted an image of a car that was there that gets thumbs down wil not lose points.) Also on the image, players can see a timer, once the timer reaches 30-45 minutes the image will automatically remove itself off of the map (unless enough thumbs down have been clicked to remove the image quicker.) Also keep in mind that if you have the setting to keep all spots set to "ON", once the images disapear off the map, they will still be in your "My Spots" section
What is an achievement in GeoSpotter? An achievement is an unlockable that can be triggered by a number of things. If a player spots a certain amount of cars from a certain country, or of a specific brand, the player will receive an icon to customize with. Players can also type in secret codes into the search bar given to them either by car owners, or just found out on their own. Players can go to the Achievements section so see all the different ones they have gotten in the four different rarity categories. (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Mythic)
With the friends section, players can add their friends or add new ones. Once players are friends in-game they can use the private chat to talk about things between themselves, or just plan where to go, to go looking for cars. In a player's profile, an option to allow friends to see the private info is also an option. The only things in the private info section are: Email (or phone# or facebook or whatever was used to make an account), birth date, and thats it! You can also gift friends points to spend, whether it is their birthday, or you are just feeling generous.
Notice a bug in the app? Notice a car missing from the search bar? Let us know at or, Or DM me (Carsofmn) on Instagram. Otherwise, if you are interested in becoming a Mod you can monitor the chat, and report inapropriate car posts (images that are not of cars, or cars labeled as the incorrect car, whether on purpose or not.)
Interested in having your car be worth points, or having an unlockable icon customization for in game? Just DM me (Carsofmn) on Instagram. In the proccess, if you are interested in having your car be a custom point car, all you have to do is ask me and i will add your car to the "point worthy models" section. If you are interested in getting a custom in game icon, DM what you would like your secret code to be. Once you have a code, people have to find you out and about, and ask for the code. DO NOT message/DM people codes! Even if they beg and beg. There are obviously complications if a person in Europe wants a special icon that can only be obtained in America, but thats kind of the point of "Exclusive Icons."
The search bar can be found on the middle of the top of the screen. Within this search bar, players can search up cars to look for around the world. They can look for locations, and they can even look for other players that they can add as friends. To switch between the different search types, players can click on the Seach Cars bar on the far top right side of the page. Within the bar, players can choose Players, Cars, and Locations. The Search Bar distinguishes between Primary and Secondary models. Primary models are the cars that award players points for spotting them, meanwhile secondary models do not award points (unless a certain secondary model that is chosed to be an event car.)
Here you can edit your the color of your basic icon, or use a custom icon.
First Timer! (Create an Account)
Unlocked the Basic Location Icon, Basic Location Icon (Red), and the 100 Spotter Points.
Good Job! (Thumb Up a Spot)
Unlocked a "Good" Icon.
Bad Job! (Thumb Down a Spot.)
Unlocked a "Bad" Icon.
I See you! (Spot a Car.)
Unlocked a Camera Icon.
Noob Spotter! (Spot 10 Cars.)
10 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
Rust-Bucket! (Spot 15 Classics.)
You Have Unlocked a Rust Colored Map Inverter.
Green Thumb! (Thumb Up 5 Spots)
You Have Unlocked a Green Thumbs Up Icon.
Debby Downer! (Thumb Down 5 Spots.)
You have Unlocked a Red Thumbs Down Icon.
Swede! (Spot 15 Swedish Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a Swedish Flag Icon.
Tokyo Drift! (Spot 15 JDM Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a Japanese Flag Icon.
No Longer Alone! (Add a Friend.)
You Have Unlocked a Lightning Bolt Icon.
Meet the Squad! (Add 10 Friends.)
You Have Unlocked a Fire Icon.
Stalker! (Spot 50 Cars.)
50 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
Sttutgart! (Spot 50 Porsches.)
You Have Unlocked a Porsche Logo Icon.
Ragin Wings! (Spot 20 Aston Martins.)
You Have Unlocked a Aston Martin Logo Icon.
Nine! (Spot 15 German Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a German Flag Icon.
Mafia! (Spot 15 Italian Cars.)
You Have Unlocked an Italian Flag Icon.
Muscle Man! (Spot 15 Muscle Cars.)
You Have Unlocked an American Flag Icon.
The Royal Family! (Spot 15 British Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a British Flag Icon.
Trident of Luxury! (Spot 25 Maseratis.)
You Have Unlocked a Maserati Logo Icon.
Wings of Fury! (Spot 20 Bentleys.)
You Have Unlocked a Bentley Logo Icon.
Flying Lady! (Spot 15 Rolls-Royce.)
You Have Unlocked a Rolls-Royce Logo Icon.
McDonalds! (Spot 10 McLarens.)
You Have Unlocked a McLaren Logo Icon.
Outback! (Spot 15 Australian Cars.)
You Have Unlocked an Australian Flag Icon.
Super Spotter! (Spot 100 Cars.)
100 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
Unstoppable Spotter! (Spot 1000 Cars.)
1000 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
Hyper Spotter! (Spot a Hyper Car.)
You Have Unlocked a "Hyper" Icon.
Infinite Spotter (Spot 5000 Cars.)
5000 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
Hyperspace Spotter! (Spot 15 Hyper Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a Koenigsegg and Pagani Logo Icon.
Raging Bull! (Spot 15 Lamborghinis.)
You Have Unlocked a Lamborghini Logo Icon.
Stay Positive! (Thumb Up 100 Spots.)
You Have Unlocked a Smiley Face Icon.
Negative Attitude! (Thumb Down 100 Spots.)
You Have Unlocked a Frowny Face Icon.
Ho Man! (Spot 5 Hamman Tuned Cars.)
You Have Unlocked a Hamman Logo Icon.
Follower! (Secret Code: Carsofmn)
You Have Unlocked a Carsofmn's Car Icon.
Homeseet Home! (Secret Code: Minnesota)
You Have Unlocked a Minnesota Icon.
Hacker! (Secret Code: Im a Hacker/I'm a Hacker)
You Have Unlocked a Digital Color Map Inverter.
Gotta Catch Em All! (Secret Code: Pikachu)
You Have Unlocked a Pikachu Icon.
Ericunderwood88! (Secret Code: Samantha Jones)
You Have Unlocked a Red Mustang Premium Icon.
Carsofmn! (Secret Code: Mr Mango/Mr. Mango)
You Have Unlocked a Mango Icon, and 500 Spotter Points Have Been Added to Your Account.
I've Been to Korea! (Secret Code: Jack Jack Koo)
You Have Unlocked a South Korea Flag Icon.
Nuke Em! (Secret Code: Kim Jung Un)
You Have Unlocked a North Korea Flag Icon.
Memegod! (Secret Code: Dogo)
You Have Unlocked a Dog Icon.
The King! (Secret Code: #1/Number 1/Number1/Number One/NumberOne)
You Have Unlocked a Crown Icon.
Apples to Apples! (Secret Code: Keeps the Doctor Away)
You Have Unlocked an Apple Icon.
Sid the Sloth! (Secret Code: The Last Melon)
You Have Unlocked a watermelon Icon.
Prince! (Secret Code: Purple Rain)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Purple.
Dead Inside! (Secret Code: Fog/Hollow)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Black.
Ah, Crap! (Secret Code: Getting Dirty)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Brown.
Brighter Than the Sun! (Secret Code: Shine Brighter)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Yellow.
Overcast! (Secret Code: Cloudy/Clouds/Cloud)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Gray/Grey.
Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Bannana? (secret Code: Joke)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Orange.
Too Many Plants, I Need Some Zombies! (Secret Code: Foliage)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Green.
Army Man! (Secret Code: Where Is He?)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Camo.
Weight Taker! (Secret Code: Lighter)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Carbon Fiber(re).
Just a Flesh Wound! (Secret Code: Bloody)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Red.
Turtles! (Secret Code: I Like Turtles!)
You Have Unlocked a Turtle Icon.
Megaman! (Secret Code: 8-Bit/8Bit/8 Bit)
You Have Unlocked a Megaman Icon.
Diver! (Secret Code: Deepest Ocean)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Blue.
Awe! (Secret Cute: So Cute)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Pink.
Word Math! (Secret Code: Crayan Minus Ra)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Cyan.
The Future! (Secret Code: Tron)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Neon Blue.
All the King's Men! (secret Code: Royalty)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Purple.
On Vacation! (Secret Code: Ocean Breeze)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Teel/Turqoise.
Pocket Trash! (Secret Code: Penny)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Bronze.
Shiny! (Secret Code: Middle Man) (Because Silver is Between Gold and Copper in Worth.)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Silver.
Pick Your Poison! (Secret Code: Toxic)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Neon Green.
McDonalds! (Secret Code: I'm Loving It/Im Loving It)
You Have Unlocked a McDonalds Logo Icon.
Alphabet! (Secret Code: Preschool)
You Have Unlocked an "ABC" Icon.
Count! (Secret Code: Numberical)
You Have Unlocked a "123" Icon.
Cop's Best Friend! (secret Code: Metal Torch)
You Have Unlocked a Flashlight Icon.
Archer! (Secret Code: Ranged)
You Have Unlocked a Bow and Arrow Icon.
Knight! (Secret Code: Slayer)
You Have Unlocked a Sword Icon.
Stuff the Clothes! (Secret Code: Time to Pack)
You Have Unlocked a Suitcase, and Airplane Icon.
Neon Sun! (Secret Code: Highlight)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Neon Yellow.
Pretty Pink Princess! (Secret Code: Prinncess)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Neon Pink.
A Dangerous Creature! (secret Code: Evil Eyes)
You Have Unlocked the Basic Location Icon Color Neon Red.
You Have Purchased the Stick Man Icon.
Old Timer!
You Have Purchased the Black and White Map color Inverter.
You Have Purchased the Race Flag Icon.
Bread and Circus!
You Have Purchased the Cotton Candy Icon.
You Have Purchased the
"Egg Head!
You Have Purchased the Egg Icon
Hopping Around!
You Have Purchased the Rabbit Icon!
Dazzling Daizy!
You Have Purchased the Flower Icon!
"Red Riding Hood!
You Have Purchased the Basket Icon!
Sticky Siuation!
You Have Purchased the Spider Web Icon!
It's the Headless Horseman!
You Have Purchased the Pumpkin Icon!
"It's the Shiny Headless Horseman!
You Have Purchased the Jack O' Lantern Icon!
You Have Purchased the Zombie Icon!
Dry Bones!
You Have Purchased the Skeleton Icon!
The Baseball!
You Have Purchased the Broken Window Icon!
Why Does Everyone Hate Me?
You Have Purchased the Candy Corn Icon!
Man's Best Mosquito Repelent!
You Have Purchased the Bat Icon!
You Have Purchased the Ghost Icon!
It's on My Tounge!
You Have Purchased the Snowflake Icon!
I Gotch Yo Presents!
You Have Purchased the Santa Icon!
Santa's Little Helper!
You Have Purchased the Elf Icon!
Open It!
You Have Purchased the Present Icon!
What's Under There?
You Have Purchased the Christmas Tree Icon!
Look Mommy!
You Have Purchased the Snow Angel Icon!
No Matter Who You Are!
You Have Purchased the Star Icon!
Blood Pump!
You Have Purchased the Heart Icon!
A Feeling!
You Have Purchased the "Love" Icon!
Watch Your Butt!
You Have Purchased the Cupid Icon!
Golden Love!
You Have Purchased the Gold Heart Icon!
Bucket O' Love!
You Have Purchased the Bucket Of Hearts Icon!
You Have Unlocked the "Happy Birthday" Icon!
Golden opportunity!
You Have Unlocked the Golden Present Icon!
You Have Unlocked the Party Streamer Icon!
Whack it With the Bat!
You Have Unlocked the Pinata Icon!
Happy New Years!
You Have Purchased the "New Years" Icon!
You Have Purchased the Disco Ball Drop Icon!
Anymore Heads on Their Way?
You Have Purchased the Mt. Rushmoore Icon!
You Have Purchased the Fireworks Icon!
Flip Em the Ole Hat!
You Have Purchased the Top Hat Icon!